venerdì 16 marzo 2012

Opera Scores

I see know that I have lots of friends on Linkedin. Maybe they too are a little fed up with Facebook, always more complicated just to justify somebody's paycheck in my opinion. Anyhow, I will be turning 70 yrs old this year but am still very busy with my youth choirs. If anyone has a nice opera with children singers, they should contact me because the organizations here are always interested and frankly the scores I have received lately are really too long and difficult to fit in to the school year with the children and youth singers. I wrote and produced and opera last year, it was very successful and many clips are on Youtube (channel "joyakkey" - Toy Factory) but others have more political connections than I do and push to get their works done, leaving me scores of music that really I cannot teach my students because we don't have enough time, and the music is always complex and very contemporary. My school was a mix of folklore and contemporary tunes, much easier and faster to learn.

Catalogue previews of Madrigals arranged by Joan



Informazioni personali

La mia foto
Direttore di Coro, Compositore, organizzatore